Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Scavenger Hunt

1. 3D Street Art 

This is a very cool form of art, called 3D street Art. The person who made this particular project is named Julian Beever. I like this piece becasue it is very orginal. If you look at it from this perspective then it looks like the snail is crawling onto the bench, but when you go around then only the head of the snail is on the bench. and the shell stretches out all the way to the street where the people are walking.

2. Paintings/ Portaits.


This is one of the most common forms of artwork, painting and portraits. There are many famous painters that have created pieces well known across the world... this particular one was created by a man named Leonardo Da Vinci. It is called the Mona Lisa. Some people say that it was a woman he knew, others think that it even resembles him in a way. I like this painting because it really shows that he put a lot of work into it aswell as effort. This is the art work of a very talented artist.
3. Abstract Art

This is a different form of art. It is called Abstract art, this piece in particular is by a woman named Theresa Paden. I personaly don't like this sort of art style, because in my eyes I see no significance, but to each their own, none the less it is an interesting composition, which was worked on pretty hard I assume.


Texture- The texture is the quality of a surface, often corresponding to its tactile character, or what may be sensed by touch.
Space- Space is the area provided for a particular purpose.
     Empty Space by Kit-Elliott                                                        

Shape- Shape pertains to the use of areas in two-dimensional space that can be defined by edges, setting one flat specific space apart from another.

Color- Color pertains to the use of hue in artwork and design.

Tone/Value- Value, or tone, refers to the use of light and dark, shade and highlight, in an artwork.

Line- Line is defined as a mark that spans a distance between two points (or the path of a moving point), taking any form along the way.

Creative CommonsCreative Commons is a non-profit organization headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States, devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. 

Alphonse Mucha- A Czech Art Noveau painter and decorative artist known best for his destinct style of art. He produced paintings, illustrations, advertisements, postcards and designs.   

JR- JR is an artist who's identity is unconfirmed, He started out on the streets of Paris, I think his projects are interesting, they are very different from anything I have ever seen. They are in the style of graffiti but they aren't these words and tags, but simply pictures, which I believe have meanings behind each one.

Photoshop- Photoshop can be used for many thins, mainly to edit pictures and make them look like whatever you want really, or to trim up a picture and make it look better. Photoshop can be used in different fields as well, medicine and especially law. In the medicinal aspect, they can use it in order to show what something looks like better or use it for medical imaging purposes, whereas in law, they can use it to find criminals and make posters and lookalikes.

What is Photoshop- Photoshop is a graphic editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. The first version of Photoshop came out in 1988. Making it about 26 years old now.

The move tool can be quickly selected by pressing the "V" key.

What are layers? How can we use them? 
In graphics software layer is the term used to describe the different levels at which you can place an object or an imags. 

What is non-destructive editing? 
 Where the original content is not modified. Instead only edits are dited using special editing software. 

How do you scale or rotate an image? Include Keyboard command. 

To scale an image go to the Image size option and scale it to whatever you would like, to rotate an image go to image rotation and select it there. 

How do you select everything? include the keyboard command?